For Everyone – Free Family Law Assistance
America Family Law Center tries to make the following public services available for free. Many of these are Texas-based resources as America Family Law Center originated in Texas, so many of its resources may be more mature in Texas than in other states. However, if you need resources in different states, please contact us, and we will do whatever we can to help you.
- educational materials for parents and parenting,
- publications from the American Bar Association, State Bar of Texas, Florida Bar, Pennsylvania Bar Association, Oklahoma Bar Association, State Bar of Arizona, Ohio Bar, Illinois State Bar Association, and others,
- legal aid services nationwide and legal aid organizations in specific states: Illinois Legal Aid Online, Florida Legal Aid, Texas Legal Aid, Ohio Legal Aid, Georgia Legal Aid, Iowa Legal Aid, Arizona Legal Aid, and others,
- facilitate access to resources such as,, and
- get free legal answers if you are in Pennsylvania, Iowa, Illinois, Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma, Texas, and others at ABA Free Legal Answers™,
- facilitate access to lawyers through ABA Find a Lawyer and the various lawyer referral services certified in Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Florida, Arizona, and others,
- online chat with a lawyer,
- referrals to parenting programs and classes recognized by the courts,
- family law hotline (hotlines and clinics cannot give legal advice on a particular case; see ABA Standard for the Provision of Civil Legal Aid, Standard 3.6),
- legal clinics (hotlines and clinics cannot give legal advice on a specific case; see ABA Standard for the Provision of Civil Legal Aid, Standard 3.6),
- collaboration on parenting resources at the Texas Advocacy Project and elsewhere,
- facilitate access to divorce and single-parent resources,
- facilitate access to domestic violence resources,
- facilitate access to family support resources,
- assistance with referrals to process servers for serving divorce papers.
English | Español

can be contacted by
phone or text at 214-516-7700
Children need their parents