Parent's Checklist for Divorce
As parents contemplate ending their marriage create a parent checklist for divorce. This parent checklist for divorce must consider the impact ending that relationship will have on how they parent.
Too often parents enter into divorce without fully understanding the challenges that co-parenting from two separate households will have not only on their children but for them. Having a good parent checklist for divorce will include both what you should be doing and what you should not be doing. Let's get you started with some basic thoughts.
Parent's Checklist Before Filing for Divorce
Before you ever file a divorce paper take the time to consider taking an honest assessment of you and your spouse's parenting style, skills, and ability to commit time to parent. Although you may want to be the custodial parent you may have a work schedule that takes you away from home more frequently than would be desirable. Are you able or willing to make the necessary changes? It is important to be honest about the challenges so that you can prepare to put solutions in place for the new co-parenting structure you have in mind for children's best life.

Create as much stability as possible for your children. Remind them that you are not divorcing them. During, divorce many children have reported feeling that they were being left or had done something wrong. If you are not sure about how to handle this find a support group or even a parent's rights group.
Parent Checklist During Divorce
During the divorce process is when you need to get specific about your co-parenting plan. Who gets to decide where the children get to live? Who retains the passports?
Whenever possible it is important to keep the kids out of the court. This is not their divorce. The issues for the divorce are between you and your spouse. Your children should not be in the middle.
If you need help on how to maneuver divorce and keep your children from being caught in the middle the Dallas Fort Worth area has an excellent program. Between Two Homes operates in Collin County and offers court-approved parenting programs. In addition, they have online classes.
Find Help
If you are thinking about divorce and want to further understand what is involved before you take the action contact America Family Law Center. Text or call today to avoid painful mistakes.
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Children need their parents