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Modify Child Support en-slp

Understanding Child Support Modification in Texas

Child Support plays a significant role in securing the financial stability of a child’s life. As Texas law mandates, it is the legal obligation of both parents to provide financial support for their child until the age of 18 or until the child finishes high school. However, there may be instances where a parent would need to modify the child support order due to changes in circumstances. Let’s delve into the complex subject of Child Support Modification in Texas, and how America Family Law Center can assist you throughout the process.

Why Is There Child Support?

Child support is a financial contribution by the noncustodial parent towards the upbringing of the child. It is a legal instrument designed to ensure that both parents contribute to the expenses related to the child’s upbringing, including food, shelter, healthcare, and education. According to the Texas Attorney General’s website, the law considers child support a right of the child, not the parent. Regardless of the circumstances, the child’s well-being remains a priority. America Family Law Center, with its team of skilled and dedicated professionals, is always ready to assist parents in understanding their responsibilities and rights related to child support.

Who Can Lower Child Support?

It is crucial to understand that only a judge has the authority to modify a child support order. However, this can only occur if there is a significant change in circumstances, such as a job loss, a substantial increase or decrease in income, or changes in the child’s needs. The process of seeking a modification can be complex, and it is often beneficial to engage the legal services of professionals. America Family Law Center has helped thousands of parents seek modifications to their child support orders when circumstances warrant a change.

Why Do I Have to Pay Child Support When My Child is Over 18?

Child support arrears, or back child support, can accumulate over time if a parent fails to make the required payments. Even when a child reaches the age of 18, the parent still has a legal obligation to pay any outstanding child support debt. According to the Texas Family Code, past-due child support does not cease to be owed or enforceable just because the child has reached adulthood.

If you’re dealing with issues related to back child support, America Family Law Center can provide assistance and guidance to help you navigate this often complex area of family law.

I Lost My Job; Why Do I Still Have to Pay Child Support?

Even when you experience significant life events like job loss, your child support obligations do not automatically adjust or pause. Since a judge issued the child support order, only a judge can modify it. Therefore, if you have lost your job, you should seek a modification of your child support order as soon as possible. America Family Law Center can help you petition the court to reconsider your current child support obligations based on your changed circumstances.

Why Does the Father Always Have to Pay Child Support?

There is a common misconception that only fathers are required to pay child support. However, child support obligations can fall on either parent, depending on the child’s primary residence. Both mothers and fathers may be ordered by the court to pay child support. America Family Law Center has significant expertise in assisting both mothers and fathers in understanding and fulfilling their child support obligations.

Take Action

If you find yourself facing any of the situations mentioned above, don’t hesitate to reach out. Remember, America Family Law Center is here to assist you. Child support issues can be complex, but you don’t have to navigate these challenges alone. Let us help you understand and navigate the intricacies of Texas child support law. Your peace of mind and your child’s well-being are our priority.

Child Support
Tags: Child SupportChild Support ModificationsChild Support OrdersDivorceFamily LawModify Child Support