Texas, What Are My Parental Rights?
Parenting is one of the hardest jobs. When parents divorce, the parents must learn to co-parent in a very different way. Choices that may have seemed complicated while married might seem impossible after divorce. Parent with minor children must understand parental rights in Texas.
Parental Rights in Texas
When people begin to recognize their rights as parents in Texas better, they are better prepared to co-parent. In situations when a parent is denied access to the child, the parent will understand the legal remedies available.
Child Custody in Texas
Texas Family Code defines the rights and duties of every parent in the state. The codes address the physical possession of the child. These rights include the parental right to have the child live in the parent's home without interference from the law.
However, when parents divorce a determination of where the child is now going to live must be made. The divorce decree or parenting plan will typically state the living arrangements of the child. Parents that willfully violate the court ordered visitation may be held in contempt of court.
The Texas Family Code also address other parental rights such as the right to help make various decisions related to your child's education, medical and religious development. Unless identified in the court order both parents maintain these rights.
Judges prefer that children have a healthy and loving relationship with both parents. However, at sometimes one parent will want to restrict the rights of the other parent. In some situations, there may be a good reason to do this, but the parent must go through the courts to limit the rights of the other parent.
However, too often a parent will limit access to the child out of pure vindictiveness. In these situations, understanding your parental rights is critical. Understanding your court order will allow you can gain access to your child as the court had intended.
Text or call the American Family Law Center to learn more about Texas parental rights and how to fight for those rights.
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Children need their parents