Family Law Posts related to Child Custody

These are family law posts related to Child Custody. These family law posts are provided by America Family Law Center and are often representative of the types of matters on which America Family Law Center provides assistance. If you need assistance with any family law related matter, or know someone who does, contact America Family Law Center today. We can help.


Custodial Parent


Shelter-in-place due to COVID-19 | Visitation

Shelter-in-place order due to COVID-19 have custodial parents wondering if they can deny visitation with the non-custodial parent due to the shelter-in-place orders that have been placed across much of Texas. 

Read More Posted: 3-28-2020

COVID-19 Virus

Parental Alienation

Denied Visitation

Denied Visitation With The Non-Custodial Parent

When parents choose not to live together, care for the children is a major concern. Denied visitation with the non-custodial parent often occurs.  It’s important to know when visitation can be denied and when it cannot be denied

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Posted: 1-17-2018

Adjudicate Parentage in Texas

Understanding Fathers Rights in Texas

Fathers ending a relationship with he mother of his child may wonder about his fathers right in Texas. A man can obtain fathers rights in Texas if he is considered the legal father under the Uniform Parentage Act (Texas Family Code Section 160 et seq.). Read More

Posted: 6-21-2017


What  Are  My  Parental  Rights in  Texas?

Parenting is one of the hardest jobs.  When parents divorce, the parents must learn to co-parent in a very different way.  Choices that may have seemed complicated while married might seem impossible after divorce. Read More

Posted: 4-20-2017

Child Custody

Child Custody When A Parent Moves Out of State

Child Custody court orders specify the legal obligation of both parents related to the child custody as well as the possession and access of the child.  Often the court order will also address what happens if one of the parent moves. Read More

Posted: 3-2-2017

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Children need their parents